Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mr. B's Second Session

The last time I got to visit Mr. B he was having a rough day. His poor tummy was hurting him, and because of that he was a bit fussy. So i came back to visit him and finish up our session. I got some very cute shots of a very AWAKE young man. I also got a chance to snap a picture of his two big brothers! What fun!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

A's Two Year Old Session

I had a session today with Miss A and she had just turned the big TWO! She was quite the trooper (thinking that it was her naptime). At the end of the shoot she did let us know that she was SPENT! (And I have to say the pics are too funny!)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mr. B's Newborn Photos

Today I was introduced to a handsome young man with a beautiful headful of hair! Mr. B was very feisty and wasn't really wanting to sleep. I'm lucky enough that I will get to shoot him again when he's passed out. I am SO thankful his mother and his grandmother were so accommodating
today. He's a lucky boy that is blessed to have such a sweet family!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

M and R's Wedding

I was lucky enough to attend the wedding of my husband's sister, Melissa, up in Niagra Falls this summer. I also took some time while enjoying the wedding, to take some photos for the bride. Let me say...I am so blessed to have them in my life.

R's Christmas Photos

Today I took my daughter, Renee, out for her Christmas shoot. She's such a doll and I can't believe she's FOUR! UGH. Where has the time gone?!?!? Here are her current pictures.

H's Christmas Photos

Mr. H is a very handsom young man. I had a great time going out and capturing this little Gap model! What fun!!

Christmas Time with the Coggins!

OH I had a blast getting to play down by the river with the Coggins Family! They are so sweet, and they have two of the nicest young ladies you will ever meet! OH...and Oreo, the canine addition to their family is a hoot!!! (I think Renee, my daughter, plans on adopting Oreo...) :o)

Personal Maternity Shoot

Today I went out and took pictures at Mrs. D's house. We had been to the city for a fun and funky shoot, and she asked if I would come to the house for a more "personal" shoot. Here are a few of the images from our session today! I am blessed to have a great client and a great friend now! Thanks so much for letting me capture your special time D!!!!

Downtown Augusta Maternity Session

Recently I got to meet a sweet couple downtown for a fun and funky photo shoot. I am SOOO looking forward to meeting H in January!!! He's going to have a wonderful and fun life with his Mommy and Daddy. :o)

M's Newbowrn Session

This is M. A sweet little newborn that I had the privledge of catching on film. Her mother is such a doll, and Miss M will be well protected with her three older brothers watching out for her!! (I worry for any boy that tries to date her!) Here are a few photos for our session.

Jenny Miller Photography

Well, here I go.

Let me introduce myself. I am Jenny Miller, an artist that currently lives in Evans, GA. I have been drawing for most of my life, and just recently I have gotten into the world of photography. I have always had a natural "eye" for life, and now I can express myself on not only canvas, but through a lens.

I went to school in Columbia Missouri where I received my degree in Art. I focused on drawing and illustration, but I also took classes in photography and in ceramics. My artistic journey has been a bit "ADD" as I like to call it (meaning I have had no formal focus to my art business), but I am officially making the leap. I am going to be a one media girl...and I choose you Photography. hehehe.

I love to photograph children, babies, mothers, and fathers. Capturing the fleeting moments of family life are so precious to me. I have a daughter of my own, Renee, and she is the light of my life (and she will let you know that mommy takes WAY too many photos of her!) HA! Come with me on my journey...please, if you are interested in a session with me check out www.childsdreammurals.com
(YES I know this website is for MURALS...but like I said I am breaking out of that business...and I will hopefully have a new website up in a few months dedicated to JUST photography!) Until now, please check there for pricing information under the "Family Photography" section. :o)
