Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bad Poster!

UGH! I have been HORRIBLE about updating my blog! Hopefully over the next week I can fill everyone in with news, photos, and products that I've been working on over the past few months!!

On a high note I am having a very successful year! I want to thank everyone who has made this a wonderful start to my business!! :o)


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

K's Maternity Session

Last week I had the privledge to conduct a maternity session with a wonderful young lady. Not only is she stunning on the outside, but she has such a loving soul. I know she's going to be a fantastic mommy!! Here is her preview from my Oklahoma trip! Enjoy!!!

All photography is property of Jennifer D Miller Photography. Do not reproduce or use this photo, unless given written permission by Jennifer D Miller.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I was recently contacted by a very talented local real estate agent because she was in need of some new headshots for her business. Here are a few of her previews from today's session.

OH, and if you need a realtor, please don't hesitate to contact Caroline Ashe here in Evans, GA.

All photography on this site are property of Jennifer D Miller Photography.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Piggy to be!

Today I had a great opportunity to work with two Razorback fans, and one "future" Razorback fan! Mommy and Daddy-to-be were great sports and both looked wonderful with their "fan gear" on! I can't wait to meet baby P (who I'm pretty sure, will be the biggest Hog fan EVER with these two as parents!!) Here is a preview of our photo session this afternoon. Thanks!!

Jenny Miller

All images owned by Jennifer D Miller Photography.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Savannah Rapids Fun

Last week I got to go have a great session with four of the cutest kids out there! Here are a few samples from our shoot!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Here we GO!

Jennifer D. Miller Photography is PROUD to announce that we have a new member on the team! Jenny is now working with a Canon 5D Mark ii camera!

We are so excited about our new member and we can't wait to get out and greet everyone with new and spectacular pictures! WOO HOO! I have two newborn sessions coming up, and a maternity keep a look out!!
